A Forum activity is used as a social space where users can interact with each other, to discuss course content or reading materials, or as a place for students to ask questions about the class for all to see.

It also encourage academic discussion and conversation in your online class.

The forum activity allows users to have asynchronous discussions by posting comments and replies as part of a thread. There are several types of forums that can be created depending on the purpose of the discussion:

  • Standard forum for general use (default): An open discussion forum where anyone can start a new discussion and reply to the available threads as well.
  • A single simple discussion: A single discussion forum which anyone can reply.
  • Each person posts one discussion: Every single user can post one single discussion topic.
  • Q and A forum: The user has to post a reply to the teacher/instructor post; after that they can see the other students posts.
  • Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format: This type works like the standard forum for general use, but the first post of each discussion is displayed (as in a blog) so that users can read it and then choose to respond by clicking "Discuss this topic" beneath the post.

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 October 2023, 2:55 PM
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